Advice on a Remodeling Budget
Our best advice regarding a remodeling budget is: Have one.
The second piece of advice is: Be sure it’s realistic. This is where things get a bit sticky. “Why?” you ask? Because realistic is a subjective term. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

It’s always interesting when people ask us how much we think their remodel will cost. Or conversely, they will ask if $XXX is enough to cover their home project. It happens on a regular basis and it’s a difficult question. “Why?” you ask? Because we don’t have nearly enough information about the client’s situation or expectations to provide a reasonably accurate or relative answer. Occasionally, we receive the answer that every Project Manager loves to hear: “We don’t have a budget” or “Money is not an object.” Unfortunately, when we ask if they are comfortable with a $100k working budget, more often than not... they answer "no."
All remodels are not the same. Even if you had two kitchens with the same square footage, their total costs would most likely not even be close. There are so many variables.
Can you build a full kitchen remodel in Atlanta for less than $25,000? Absolutely!! Can you build a full kitchen remodel in Atlanta for more than $25,000? Absolutely!!
You get our point.